Welcome to my family history site. If you can’t wait to see my genealogical information, it’s right here:
I have more information about my Blickensderfer relatives than about any of the others. Therefore, in addition to seeking more information about the Blickensderfers, I am also interested in information about my Fuelling, Messerly, and Stumpf family ancestors.
Oldest relatives
Here are some quick links to the oldest known relatives in each of these family lines:
- Blickensderfer (AKA Blickensderfer, Blickensdoerfer, Blickensdörfer, Blickenstaff, Bliegenstorfer, Blinkersdorfer, Pleak, Pleak and Stalver, and Plick)
- Fuelling
- Martin
- Messerly (AKA Messerli)
- Romig (AKA Romich)
- Stumpf
Not in my line, but well represented here:
Other genealogy reference pages
- Where I fit in
- Soundex equivalents of names in my family file
- Surname maps showing the distribution of surnames connected with my family history
- Age statistics for this family file
This information would not be available here were it not for the incredible work of Maxine L. (Runkle) Blinkenstaff, Mary F. Mickey, and Mary M. (Meyers) Williams.
I’d also like to thank my mom, for her work on putting together our family history on a huge piece of paper in actual “tree” format. Not only was it interesting to see all that information there, but it convinced me that this project was valuable enough that I should find out what genealogical programs ran on the Macintosh. Once I bought a copy of Reunion, I was hooked.
Also, a tip of my hat and a hearty job well done
to Gene Stark and Dave Wilks. Best of luck to each of you on your future ventures.